Friday, September 27, 2013

Aerides lawrenciae plant from a cross of selected forms of the species 'Robert' AM/AOS and 'CF Fuchsia'

The color of this cross of two selected clones of Aerides lawrenciae is quite delightful.  Unfortunately the largest inflorescence had several damaged flowers.  But the color of the newly opened flowers of the smaller inflorescence was exquisite and eye catching.  Seen at the Mayaguez orchid society festival, September 2013.


  1. Hi Ricardo
    Just one question
    Do you know some one who has the orchid plant in USA
    Arachnis floaeris var.insignis

    It is impossible to find on and I saw your posts and in loving for this orchid , wish to buy
    Many thanks for your reply

  2. These people might have it.
