This orchid is similar to Habenaria rhodocheila. It differs from rhodocheila in that the color of its flowers is pink, the plant body has a smaller size and the leaves have silvery
markings, it is native of Thailand.¹ I
have had this plant for a decade now and I can attest that it is quite
rewarding to grow.
There are a few things that you
need to do to help this plant bloom to its best. The first thing to know is that this plant
loses its leaves after setting seed and becomes dormant, all that remains of
the plant are the underground tubers. Because of this, for half the year, the
pot where it grows looks empty. I have
known people that threw their plants away in disappointment when the saw the
leaves die.
When the plant is dormant, I give
it absolutely no care. The only thing I
do is weed the pot from time to time to keep the weeds and ferns from taking
over. My plants survive nicely even
though the pot gets wet when it rains.
When the plant starts sprouting new leaves I start giving it plenty of
water and fertilizer. I even put a top
dressing of manure over the soil in the pot to make sure the plants have plenty
of nitrogen available. These plants grow
fast, if you fail to give them what they need to grow strongly you will end up
with small and few flowered plants.
In my locality these plants start
growing in May which is the start of the rainy season here, so watering is not
an issue. The plants grow fast and bloom
between the end of August and the beginning of September. After the plants blooms the leaves start looking
awful and by December the plant has shed all its leaves.
I have seen a few plants of Habenaria rhodocheila in cultivation in
Puerto Rico, but Hab. erichmichaelii seem
to be less common locally. Unfortunately
its blooming season doesn’t coincide with any of the mayor orchid shows in
Puerto Rico. Given that it grows well in
the local climate it’s a bit surprising that more people don’t grow this plant.
¹La Croix, I. F. 2008. The new encyclopedia of orchids: 1500
species in cultivation
Impressionante a beleza desta planta, obrigada por compartilhar tamanha beleza.