Thursday, February 20, 2014

Dendrobium Wave King 'Akebono' a nobile hybrid that bloomed in the hot coastal lowlands of Puerto Rico

In the past I would never buy nobile hybrids due to the fact that they would not bloom in the hot coastal lowlands of Puerto Rico.  Yes they would grow,  and you would get beautiful large plants, but flowers would be few and far between if you got any at all.  But last year, as I was passing a large selection of orchids in a local hardware store I could not help but be seduced by the gorgeous color combination of this nobile hybrid Dendrobium.   I brought the plant home, enjoyed its flowers and when they faded moved it to my shade house.  I put the plant in a place where it would get very bright light but no direct sunlight.  It stayed there the whole year.  It grew well with the same care I give my other orchids.  The only difference was that at the end of December I stopped watering and fertilizing this plant.  To my delight, in January it started producing inflorescences and it has had flowers for weeks now.  Since the inflorescences are not perfectly coordinated, I expect that the plant will be in bloom for most of February and perhaps the first two weeks in March.  I brought a few nobile hybrids last year and this one is by far the best bloomer.  The other plants have produced only one of two inflorescences per plant.

1 comment:

  1. Ricardo, thank you for the reinforcement. I live in Southwest Florida and by stop watering and feeding my Akebono and other nobile dendrobiums in December, keeping them out of direct sunlight I finally got them to bloom again.
