Thursday, January 29, 2015

Prescottia oligantha [Sw.] Lindley 1840, in the Maricao Forest

Prescottia oligantha is a tiny terrestrial orchid that is native of Puerto Rico.  Previously I had only seen a single plant.  In January 27, 2015 I found a small colony of about half a dozen plants near the Torre de Piedra.  The plants are easy to miss.  I found them because I had a good search image of what I was looking for.   It is not a rare plant however very few people notice them due to the small size of the plant and tiny flowers. 


  1. A diferença entre a P. olighantha e a P. densiflora está nas folhas - uma tem folhas sesseis e a outra pediculada.

  2. Essa sua planta parece ser a Prescottia densiflora, que também existe aqui no
    Rio Grande do Norte no nordeste do Brasil.
