This blog is an eclectic mix of orchid culture, tropical fish keeping and Amazon parrot behavior. It also has stories just about anything I find interesting. Este blog es una mezcla eclectica del cultivo de las orquideas, el cuidado de los peces tropicales y el comportamiento de las cotorras Amazona. Tambien tiene historias de todo lo que encuentro interesante.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Renanthopsis Lion's Splendor (Renanthopsis Lena Rowold x Renanthera Kalsom) "Justice"
I saw this Renanthera hybrid at the 2016 Puerto RIco Orchid society show in the Jardin Botanico de Rio Piedras. The plant is husky, and well bloomed. One of the challenges when cultivating Renanthera hybrids is getting the right balance of light and watering to grow a plant capable of producing the massive inflorescences that are the hallmark of the largest species of this orchid genus. If the plant is in a place that is too shady it will either not bloom or bloom poorly. If it is in full sun but not getting the amount of water it needs it will shed its lower leaves and become spindly and may bloom weakly or not at all. If neglected in places where the climate is too dry for them, you might end with a bare stem with just two or three leaves on top and a few aerial roots.
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