This blog is an eclectic mix of orchid culture, tropical fish keeping and Amazon parrot behavior. It also has stories just about anything I find interesting. Este blog es una mezcla eclectica del cultivo de las orquideas, el cuidado de los peces tropicales y el comportamiento de las cotorras Amazona. Tambien tiene historias de todo lo que encuentro interesante.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Sobralia callosa, visited by a local carpenter bee Xylocopa mordax
Because I live in the middle of a forest, when my orchid bloom they are sometimes visited by local birds and insects in search of nectar or pollen. It is rare that I have the opportunity to take a photo of these visits. The bee dislodged the pollen from the flowers but didn't take it. The capenter bees, such as the one in the photo are important pollinators in the forest.
Beautiful photos!