This blog is an eclectic mix of orchid culture, tropical fish keeping and Amazon parrot behavior. It also has stories just about anything I find interesting. Este blog es una mezcla eclectica del cultivo de las orquideas, el cuidado de los peces tropicales y el comportamiento de las cotorras Amazona. Tambien tiene historias de todo lo que encuentro interesante.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Unknown Sobralia species in my garden
I brought this Sobralia a few years ago as a small, two cane plant. It has been growing slowly but steadily since then. It now has several canes which I expect will bloom in the coming months. It is growing at an altitude of about 1,000 feet above see levels in the mountains of Puerto Rico. I find this plant easy to care for and it has not given me any problems. I only water it during the dry season, the rest of the year the local rainfall is enough to cover its needs. The flowers last only a single day. If the day is particularly hot and dry this will make the flowers wilt sooner. The flowers are fragrant. I keep the plant close to main door of the house so that I don't miss the flowers when I leave the house in the morning.
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