This blog is an eclectic mix of orchid culture, tropical fish keeping and Amazon parrot behavior. It also has stories just about anything I find interesting. Este blog es una mezcla eclectica del cultivo de las orquideas, el cuidado de los peces tropicales y el comportamiento de las cotorras Amazona. Tambien tiene historias de todo lo que encuentro interesante.
Monday, October 3, 2016
Ornithophora radicans (Rchb. f.) Garay & Pabst 1951, a miniature that produces many flowers
I photographed this miniature at the Mayaguez orchid society show in September. This plant is popular in Puerto Rico and it is common to see plants on display at the various orchid shows. Even small plants produce many flowers. The flowers are quite small and pose a challenge to get a good photo.
Las fotos quedaron espectaculares.