One of the problems that you find when you are helping new orchid growers deal with problems regarding their plants is that for some themes there is hardly any information or photos posted. You can find thousands of stunning flower photos but few showing how a healthy root system should look like. To ameliorate this problem I am posting some pictures of how a healthy root system of an evergreen dendrobium of the group of hybrids of sphatulata x phalaenanthe sections. Along with some tips on keeping the roots alive and growing.As you look at the photo please note the following details.
1. There is very little by the way of organic material, the plant is potted in marble chips and the mix is quite clean, no moss, sphagnum or other moisture retentive material.
2. The mix is dry but you see massive root growth.
3. The roots are white and the growing tips are green and all growing at the same time, this is a sign of uniform cultural practices. You see very few dead roots.
4. The mix is firmly but not heavily packed, it has lots of empty spaces but the plant doesn't wiggle in the pot.
5. The bulk of the root mass is attached to the pot not to the mix.The paramount need of these types of dendrobiums is that the roots have access to ventilation and that they experience a cycle of drying. Nothing kills this plants better than tyranny of the evenlymoistness. When watering these plants they need to be thoroughly soaked, drenched even, but then they have to be allowed to dry. Heavy packed mix+heavy watering hand=root death. They need fertilizer but in mild concentrations and frequent applications, root killing high fertilizer concentrations on irregular intervals are sure death.
those roots are incredible! what a happy plant!!!
You are such a great teacher. I'm very appreciative of the knowledge that you share with the orchid community. Thank you.
Nice job, it’s a great post. The info is good to know!
articles of incorporation
Hi. By reading your posts, I have come to understand that the "evenlymoistness tyranny" is good only for pendant dendrobiums during the growth time, is that right? Thank you for your advices!
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